Recommended Detox Kits & Programs Based on Your Timeline

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Whether you’re applying for a new job, going through probation, or need to pass a drug test for any other reason, you might find yourself trolling the Internet for effective detox kits and programs.

Drug tests are often discriminatory towards cannabis consumers, even within states where the plant is fully legal. A negative test result can be grounds for denied hiring, firing, or even worse, and if a detox kit might be able to save you from this cruel fate, we have a few to recommend. 

What Makes a Strong Detox Kit & Program?

With cannabis regulations still being hit or miss throughout the country depending on the region you’re in, the market is oversaturated with THC detox kits that claim to be the best in the game. 

Too many options can be confusing, but there are a few things to keep an eye out for when determining which detox method will help cleanse your system of THC faster than the natural detoxing cycle.

Essentially, you’ll want to aim for a detox kit that covers as many bases as possible: all-natural ingredients, a guide, meal plan ideas to optimize results, customer service support throughout your journey, and most importantly, a money back guarantee. 

Bonus points if your test includes an at-home drug test to verify your “clean” status before you show up for the real deal. 

From detox drinks to copious amounts of sweating, there are a few quick tricks to clean your system and body of unwanted toxins, but these detox kits are tried, true, and likely your best shot at passing a drug test with flying colors (and residual cannabis in your system). 

Recommended Detox Kits by Timeline

Before we get into the different detox kits that might work best for you, an important thing to keep in mind is that, even with a full system cleanse, you absolutely must stop consuming cannabis in order to have a successful result on your drug test.

A detox kit will help speed up your body’s natural cleansing process, but you’re only adding fuel to the fire if you continue to consume throughout the cleanse. I know it doesn’t sound very appealing, but it’s crucial to abstain from the plant until after you’ve passed. 

Best Detox Kit to Cleanse in 30 Days

detox kit to cleanse in 10 days

One of the most popular detox kits on the market is PassYourTest’s 10 Day Ultra Detoxification Program. This option promises to cleanse your system in 30 days and is especially beneficial for heavy users and dabbers, or anyone who weighs more than 250 pounds as it takes longer for the toxins to leave your body’s fat cells.

This 10-day detox kit comes with a pre-cleanse formula, a daily herbal supplement, easy-to-follow instructions, a detox meal plan to help speed things along, and three free at-home test kits to verify results. 

Best Detox Kit to Cleanse in 15 Days

detox kit to cleanse in 5 days

Another great option is the 5 Day Extreme Detoxification Program, a bestseller for cannabis consumers everywhere. Confirmed by over 250,000 happy users, this program is designed for anyone with a higher-than-normal consumption level. 

The body isn’t able to naturally detox in 15 days or less, but this kit is designed to speed up that process with the pre-cleanse formula, daily herbal supplements, and two free at-home test kits to put your mind at ease. 

Best Detox Kit to Cleanse in 1 Week

detox kit to cleanse in 1 week

Need to detox in one week or less? Unfortunately there isn’t a permanent solution that works this quickly or reliably. But PassYourTest’s Fail Safe Kit allows you to provide a clean sample for up to six hours after using the kit, and is probably your best bet on a short timeline. 

This is ideal for anyone with high body fat content or higher weight levels, regardless of cannabis consumption levels. And it’s the best solution for a short timeline under one week, with next day shipping options available so you can pass with confidence. 

Which Detox Kit is Right for You?

With a few different options available, you’ll have to figure out which detox kit program will work best for you and your needs. This will depend on your toxicity levels, the potency of what you’re consuming (i.e., wax and dabs versus a small puff from a pre-roll), body type, and, most importantly, when your test is taking place. 

Use the detox calculator from to determine which detox kit or solution will address your needs most thoroughly. Just make sure to utilize those at-home tests to boost your confidence and ensure a seamless, successful pass. 

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