Last week, New Jersey lawmakers passed a bill that will decriminalize possession for up to two ounces of marijuana.
According to The Hill, the state Assembly voted by a 63-10 margin, with five abstentions, to pass the bill. The bill will lessen jail time for possession of larger amounts on a sliding scale and will replace arrest for possession of two ounces of marijuana or less with a $50 fine.
Activists in New Jersey are attempting to implement a ballot initiative for voters in November to decide whether they want to legalize weed sales. Additionally, the New Jersey Senate is considering a bill that will decriminalize possession of up to one pound of marijuana.
The passage of this bill coincides with nationwide protests regarding police brutality and systemic racism. Many activists have noted that people of color are disproportionately impacted by drug arrests.
New Jersey is being really progressive in starting this conversation. At two ounces, it would still be progress for the region. The reality is that for every increase [it] is another life that could potentially be saved; somebody that could not be forced to encounter law enforcement.
DeVaughn Ward, Marijuana Policy Project
Read the full story on The Hill.