Just in time for the "High Holidays," hundreds of bags of cannabis were dropped by the "green drone" Telegram group, which advocates for the legalization of cannabis in Israel, with "free love" being the group's slogan, according to a story today in The Jerusalem Post.
The group published a message on Telegram, hinting at the planned operation in advance of dropping the cannabis over Tel Aviv.
"It's time my dear brothers. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's the green drone, handing out free cannabis from the sky... Enjoy my beloved brothers, this is your pilot brother, making sure we all get some free love."
The message read
Apparently, the operation was part of the group's launch of a new drone-based delivery system appropriately called "rain of cannabis."
A drone drops hundreds of bags of grass in the skies of Tel Aviv - The Bluntnessphoto credit: AVSHALOM SASSONI
Alas, the police announced shortly after the incident that it had arrested two suspects in their 30s, who allegedly operated the drone that flew over Rabin Square which scattered the bags of cannabis. The suspects who were arrested will be interrogated and dealt with accordingly. According to police, the distribution of a 'substance suspected to be dangerous' is illegal in Israel.