Best Marijuana Strains For A Good Night's Sleep

Best strains to help you get a good night's sleep | Unsplash

Having trouble falling asleep?  These cannabis strains will help you fall asleep quicker and have a better night’s rest.

Granddaddy Purple

Granddaddy Purple offers a mellow descent into sleep, especially if pain is keeping you up at night.  This indica strain produces a powerful high with full-body sedative effects that dismiss pain and prepares you for an amazing night’s rest.

Tahoe OG Kush

Tahoe OG Kush has stronger and faster sedative effects than your average strain.  This strain will help slow your thoughts and relax your muscles and mind.  This is a fast-acting strain that will have you ready to pass out.

God’s Gift

This strain is heavily indica-dominant and is a cross between OG Kush and Granddaddy Purple.  The high THC content in this strain is sure to impact users with a high tolerance.  God’s Gift is known for its relaxing full-body high that will make you happy before you go to bed.

Northern Lights

Northern Lights is one of the most well-known cannabis strains.  This strain is known for being fast acting and will immediately make you feel relaxed after smoking.  This strain helps push away stress and anxiety, helping you achieve a great night’s sleep.

Marijuana is a fast-acting solution that can help you get your sleep schedule back on track. Try out these strains and see which one helps you sleep the best!

And remember, more and studies show the many Health & Wellness benefits of this magical plant. Keep reading The Bluntness for the latest updates.