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Cannabinoids 101: What Is Cannabigerol (CBG)?

Meet CBG: the mother of all cannabinoids....
Meet CBG: the mother of all cannabinoids....

You’ve heard of THC, you’ve heard of CBD – by now, you’ve probably even heard of CBN. But you might still be in the dark about the latest cannabinoid to take the industry by storm: cannabigerol.

What is Cannabigerol (CBG)?

Simply put, CBG is referred to as “the mother of all cannabinoids” because it breaks down to form the other cannabinoids, such as THCA (which breaks down into THC) and CBDA (which breaks down into CBD).

The non-psychedelic CBG was first discovered in 1964 by Yehiel Gaoni and Raphael Mechoulam and is finally starting to garner the wider attention it deserves.

Research on CBG reveals that it may contain properties that can help fight antibiotic-resistant bacteria as well as viruses, which could be revolutionary for the medical industry.

Another area of interest includes CBG’s anti-inflammatory properties, which could help ease the suffering for many different painful conditions.

How Does CBG Interact With The Body?

Much like the popular cannabinoid CBD, CBG is non-psychedelic, which means consuming it on its own won’t provide you with the heady effects you get from THC. Found in cannabis and hemp alike, CBG is more likely to be present in strains with low amounts of THC and high amounts of CBD.

That being said, CBG makes its way through our body just as you’d expect: via the endocannabinoid system. Like THC, CBG binds to the body’s CB1 and CB2 receptors, which are respectively located in the nervous system, brain, immune system, and other areas. 

Researchers believe that by binding to these receptors, CBG strengthens neurotransmitter functions, which can boost mood, regulate appetite, and maybe even soothe the symptoms of insomnia

What Are CBG’s Potential Benefits?

Like other well-known cannabinoids, CBG seems to have a variety of potential benefits that may benefit consumers. Again, more research still needs to be done on CBG to determine how it interacts with the body and the type of effects it can have.

That being said, here are some recognized potential CBG benefits, according to research:

Researchers believe this is due to CBG’s alleged ability to prevent serotonin and gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) uptake in the brain, which may soothe the symptoms of depression. 

  • CBG may help stimulate appetite. While many consumers believe CBD works to suppress appetite, CBG seems to mimic THC in having the opposite effect on the body. A 2016 study done on rats found that the cannabinoid seems to stimulate appetite.

This would be particularly beneficial for anyone suffering from an eating disorder, cancer, or any other illness or affliction that has a negative effect on hunger. 

  • CBG may contain powerful antibacterial properties. Like many other cannabinoids, CBG may contain properties that would allow it to work as an alternative or supplemental solution to antibiotics. 

A 2020 study revealed the cannabinoid does contain antibacterial properties – working especially hard against antibiotic-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a bacteria which can cause staph infections.

Research still needs to be done on exactly how the cannabinoid can be incorporated into the antibacterial world, but it definitely shows a lot of promise thus far. 

While treatments are available to ease the disease’s symptoms, they aren’t effective for every patient. However, a 2013 study on lab mice found that CBG seems to reduce inflammation, similar to other cannabinoids like CBD or THC.

The study also revealed that CBG seems to reduce the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the intestines, which might make it a strong contender for an anti-IBS medication.

  • CBG may work to ease the symptoms of glaucoma. Cannabis in general is already well-known for its potential to treat glaucoma, and it turns out the real power here may lie in CBG.

As early as 2008, research was being conducted to determine which cannabinoids are the most effective in the fight against glaucoma, and CBG was high on the list because of its alleged ability to release intraocular pressure. 

  • CBG may help treat bladder dysfunctions in consumers. Research has revealed that some cannabinoids seem to have a positive effect on the bladder, and CBG just might take center stage.

A 2015 study looked at a variety of cannabinoids, seeking insight as to how they may affect the bladder. The study concluded that, of all the cannabinoids tested, CBG appeared to show the most promise in treating bladder dysfunctions. 

  • CBG may be effective in treating the symptoms of Huntington’s disease. Huntington’s disease is a rare, inherited condition that typically begins in a person’s 30s or 40s. 

The disease breaks down the brain’s nerve cells over time, resulting in severe neurological degeneration, and sufferers usually die within 15-20 years of being diagnosed.

There is currently no cure for Huntington’s disease, nor any recognized treatment to prevent conditions from worsening. However, a 2015 study done on mice concluded that CBG may contain neuroprotective properties that would help ease the symptoms of Huntington's, and maybe even other neurological diseases.

  • CBG may inhibit cancer cell growth. One of the most exciting findings of the cannabinoid is its possible ability to stunt cancer development.

A 2014 study looked at colon cancer in rats, finding that CBG may be able to reduce the growth of cancer cells and other tumors. Cannabis has already had an impactful effect among cancer sufferers, and this only adds to its potential abilities. 

Where Can You Find CBG?

Now that you’re aware of how beneficial CBG may be, you may be eager to try the cannabinoid yourself. 

A quick online search will reveal a lot of different product listings.

Same as with CBD products, you’ll want to do some extra homework here to ensure you’re purchasing a quality product.

Can you always trust the online reviews? Unfortunately no.

Reddit is a good place for honest reviews, and a general rule of thumb – the best manufacturers will always be transparent about their processes, celebrating them even.

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